KA's photography documents various walks in the south alpine valley of Poschiavo. The artistic pictures show unusual views of rocks and mountain streams and are projected onto a large screen. The improvised music accompanies the colorful journey... 

MARSHALL ALLEN alto saxophone, flute, electronic valve instrument
KA piano, photography


KAs Fotographien dokumentieren verschiedene Spaziergänge im südalpinen Puschlav. Die künstlerischen Bilder zeigen ungewöhnliche Ansichten von Felsen und Bergbächen und werden auf eine grosse Leinwand projiziert. Die improvisierte Musik begleitet die farbintensive Reise...

MARSHALL ALLEN alto saxophone, flute, electronic valve instrument
KA piano, photography


La fotografia di KA documenta le diverse passeggiate nella valle sud-alpina di Poschiavo. Le immagini artistiche dimostrano rocce e torrenti in un modo sconosciuto e sono proiettate su uno schermo grande. La musica improvvisata accompagna il viaggio colorato...

MARSHALL ALLEN alto saxophone, flute, electronic valve instrument
KA piano, photography

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